Customizable pixel art ring (Design your own!)

Customizable pixel art ring (Design your own!)


Instructions This is a customizable pixel art ring, I created over 10 different pixel art designs that come with this project, but you can create any design using a small Pixel art creator I made, Choose one of the existing designs or create your...

mika's ring (Design your own!)

mika's ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: Custom = [[0,0,0]] shape = 10 objectSize = 30 ring_width = 6 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 ring_size = 13.26

mika's ring (Design your own!)

mika's ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 40 ring_width = 8 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_size = 18.54 ring_thickness = 1.6 shape = 7 objectThickness = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]] shape = 6 ring_width = 6 ring_size = 19.76 objectSize = 50

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: shape = 3 ring_size = 20.17 ring_thickness = 2.4 objectThickness = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 50 ring_width = 6

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_size = 19.15 ring_thickness = 2.4 ring_width = 6 objectThickness = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 50 shape = 7

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_thickness = 0.8 ring_width = 6 ring_size = 14.88 shape = 10 objectSize = 20 objectThickness = 2

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 Custom = ring_width = 6 objectSize = 50 ring_size = 21.39 shape = 7

customized skull pixel art ring (Design your own!)

customized skull pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_width = 6 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 objectSize = 50 ring_size = 18.14 shape = 7 Custom = [[0,0,0]]

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_size = 16.92 ring_width = 6 objectThickness = 3 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectSize = 50 shape = 0

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectThickness = 3 ring_thickness = 1.6 ring_size = 16.92 ring_width = 6 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 45 shape = 4

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_width = 8 ring_thickness = 0.8 shape = 2 objectSize = 55 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectThickness = 3 ring_size = 18.14

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 50 objectThickness = 3 ring_thickness = 1.6 ring_size = 18.14 Custom = [[0,0,0]] shape = 7 ring_width = 6

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 50 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_size = 18.14 ring_width = 6 ring_thickness = 1.6 shape = 5 objectThickness = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectThickness = 3 objectSize = 30 ring_size = 18.14 ring_width = 6 ring_thickness = 1.6 shape = 10

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 50 ring_size = 18.14 ring_thickness = 0.8 shape = 9 ring_width = 8 objectThickness = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_width = 6 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 ring_size = 18.14 shape = 8 objectSize = 50

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_thickness = 2.4 objectThickness = 8 ring_width = 12 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 60 ring_size = 19.15 shape = 6

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_thickness = 2.4 objectSize = 60 ring_width = 7 objectThickness = 5 shape = 1 ring_size = 18.14

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 30 objectThickness = 4 ring_thickness = 1.6 ring_size = 18.54 Custom = shape = 10 ring_width = 6

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_width = 6 shape = 4 objectSize = 50 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_size = 18.14

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: shape = 7 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_size = 18.14 ring_thickness = 0.8 ring_width = 6 objectSize = 50 objectThickness = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectThickness = 2 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_thickness = 1.6 objectSize = 30 ring_width = 6 shape = 4 ring_size = 18.14

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectThickness = 3 ring_thickness = 2.4 ring_size = 19.35 ring_width = 7 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 50 shape = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_size = 18.14 shape = 6 objectSize = 100 objectThickness = 10 ring_thickness = 2.4 ring_width = 7 Custom = [[0,0,0]]

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectThickness = 3 ring_size = 18.14 ring_thickness = 2.4 objectSize = 50 ring_width = 6 shape = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]]

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 50 objectThickness = 3 shape = 10 ring_thickness = 1.6 ring_size = 17.32 ring_width = 6 Custom = [[0,0,0]]

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: objectSize = 50 shape = 6 Custom = [[0,0,0]] ring_size = 18.95 ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 ring_width = 6

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_width = 6 ring_size = 18.14 objectThickness = 3 ring_thickness = 2.4 Custom = [[0,0,0]] objectSize = 50 shape = 3

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)

My Customized pixel art ring (Design your own!)


... Created with Customizer! ... Instructions Using the following options: ring_thickness = 1.6 objectThickness = 3 Custom = [[0,0,0]] shape = 8 ring_width = 6 ring_size = 20.57 objectSize = 15